We want to create a world where the Environment does not need protection
Whom we involve
We want to invite entrepreneurs committed in green research and solutions, politicians with change proposals, environmental and social activists, engaged celebrities, dedicated green architects and city planners, photographers, musicians, artists, environmental pioneers, groups, foundations and civil society.
How we work
HEARTH works at times with different Institutions, Foundations and differentiated stakeholder, such as Climate Reality Project for Europe, 350.org Europe, the Italian Climate Network, Forum Terzo Settore, Focsiv, Jobel Group, CISP, Solved, SabinArti, Purenessity, etc.
What processes
We want to enable large-scale transition modules combining agro-ecological practices with socio-economic support mechanisms, through an energy shift; to access the existing public and private funds of green solutions; to deploy climate solutions through local innovation and sustainable models; to transition and transform economics, political crises and natural hazards, through a sustainable use of the existing resources, inspired by catalysing green approaches, smart city tendencies.
SoftScience 2021
SoftScience. 17 goal in 17 luoghi di Roma per la sua seconda edizione si svolgerà dal 17 al 23 maggio 2021, con il patrocinio di ASVIS (Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile) e la collaborazione dell’Università di Roma-Sapienza ( il Corso di formazione interdisciplinare in Scienze della sostenibilità), la Comunità Educante Diffusa del VII Municipio di Roma, Caritas, ItaliaSmartCommunity e tanti altri, per misurarsi con i 17 obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile.
Walkabout Climate Emergency
In collaboration with Urban Experience, RiavviaItalia and RUS (University Network for Sustainable Development) – Sapienza University of Rome, Tuesday 22 September at Studio Tiepolo 38 (via Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 38) 5 pm, Walkabout Climate Emergency.
Moment 01.2 / "SYNCHRONIC"
January 18th, Montenero – January 25th, Casaprota – February 1st, Mompeo
The Hearth Platform (www.hearth-platform.org), Earth and Art, together with the Cultural Association SabinARTi, in collaboration with the municipalities of Montenero Sabino, Casaprota and Mompeo, present “SINCRONICA”, by Paolo Vanda. The initiative follows “Moment 01”, the initiative focusing on climate (in Sabina, September 20th -26th, 2019, during the Global Climate Strike) and “Moment 0.1.1”, a roundtable discussion on architecture and territory (November 7th, 2019, in Collelungo Sabino).
It was launched on January 17, 2020, at the Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Confalonieri – De Chirico” “EcoArt“, an interdisciplinary activity that introduces a new topic, Art & Environment, involving students interactively .
- Moment 01.2: “Synchronic” with the artist Paolo Vanda, on January 18th in Montenero, January 25th in Casaprota and February 1st in Mompeo in Sabina, continuing Moment 01, and expressing the Fragility and Vitality of human beings in relation to nature.
- Presentation of “Momento 01”, November 21st, during the Climate Reality Project 24H “Truth in Action” https://www.climaterealityproject.org/blog/24-hours-reality-truth-action connected with Berlin https://www.facebook.com/FactoryBrln/.
- “Momento 01.1”, November 7th, at the Institute of Agraria (Collelungo – Sabina), with a roundtable discussion on architecture and territory.
- “Moment 01” September 20-26, in Sabina (Mompeo, Montenero, Casaprota), in the countryside, during the Climate Week and the Global Climate Strike, with the major international artist Miltos Manetas, in partnership with the Climate Reality Project, the Italian Climate Network, 350.org, etc.
- “CLIMate X Life” – UNITI PER IL CLIMA (#climateforlife #unitiperilclima), August 25th, Milano, at Castello Sforzesco, celebrating Leonardo, focusing on re-deeming, re-winding, re-casting, and re-ordering.
- The “Zero Event”, June 22nd, Rome, “Città dell’Altra Economia”: artists, musicians and social theatre actors have exhibited and performed on the specific topic of the divestment from fossil fuels, with the major partner “The Climate Reality Project”, together with 350.org, Forum Terzo Settore Lazio, Italian Climate Network and Gruppo JOBEL.
- Presentation at Maxxi (National Museum of 21st Century Arts), “Città Come Cultura, Edition II“: April/May 2018: analysis and cultural policies, between city and territory; territory, museums and network.
EcoArt: including the topic of Art& Environment in the school curricula (Liceo de Chirico, Roma);
- The Ground Zero Exhibition: the Exposition Universelle was held in Paris in 1889, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille; it heralded progress, celebrating the industrialization era.
The Ground Zero Exhibition will be held in Naples in 2020 and intends to head up to an environmental era proposing and generating a transformational path facing the current unstable social, political and environmental period.
The creative exhibition will connect and call major artists from across different disciplines (painting, sculpture, photography, design, poetry, music, dance, etc.), and expose art with a focus on climate change. As a bottom up process would be promoted all along the traditional top down course, encouraging and mobilizing action.
Sustainable Sundays: SOS Amazon For Life
Join us this week as we discuss the URGENCY in the Amazon and the immediate threat posed on the balance of Earth’s ecosystem, with a special guest, Stefania Romano from Hearth.And, as always, with our trusted partner, Hubzine ItaliaIn support of: Coiab Amazonia and other indigenous groups of the Amazon and Brasil. watch the video here:
Covid-19 and human rights
Covid-19 showed us how fragile we are. We have built a world, thinking we can do everything we want, even flying to the moon; we have advanced in conquering territories, imposing the strong over the weak ones, valuing power and money over anything else. Yet coronavirus showed us, we were going in the wrong direction. […]
Covid-19 and Humankind
Covid-19 pounced on us seemingly unannounced, although health and environmental experts and scientists have for long warned about incumbent crises; the virus made its way very swiftly. And now is very much feared. Covid-19 is clearly showing us what life would be if we do not act seriously on climate change prevention, as climate change […]